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October 6, 2022

October 2022 Member Spotlight Chat - Ally

Our “Member of the Month” recognition goes out to the L&S Fitness member who shows up each week for their workouts with a positive attitude, is encouraging and supportive of others, and embodies all aspects of our client code of conduct while making their goals and health a priority for themselves.

For the month of October, Ally R. is recognized as the member of the month.

We asked Ally for her thoughts and insights on her gym experience as a whole and what keeps her motivated while striving to reach her goals.

Question: What brought you to L&S Fitness?

Ally: To quote my initial conversation with Sean, "I just want to pick heavy stuff up."

At that point in life, I was really needing an outlet for some tough things I was going through and I wanted to physically feel better, so having programming that was challenging but also tailored to the things I actually liked to do seemed like the best way to meet my goals.

It might sound weird to say this, but it was a huge relief to know that there were a couple of hours a week where I could walk in and guarantee that I was going to get to do the things that I loved to do.

Question: What got you started with your fitness journey to begin with?

Ally: I've kind of had an on/off relationship with fitness since I was in high school.

Usually, it's been solely for the purpose of losing weight. What made me get back into fitness this time was that I finally realized and embraced that a big part of my identity revolves around being physically strong.

It took me a long time to get to that point because I was always so focused on making my body look a certain way, but I realized that the one thing that made me feel my best was lifting, so I wanted to get back into it.

Aside from the fact that it makes me feel like a badass, it also gives me a sense of pride to know that I can be depended on no matter where I am!

Question: What do you do for a living?

Ally: I'm a physician assistant in an ICU

Question: Why do you make your health and fitness a priority?

Ally: When I had that attitude shift from fitness being something I had to do, to something I wanted to do, a lot of things fell into place.

[Working out] started being way more fun.

I started to notice just how good it made me feel and it became easier to enjoy the process.

[Working out] gives me energy, less brain fog, and my body feels less sluggish and stiff.

Plus [my workouts are] still a great way for me to manage stress!

Question: What helps you stay motivated and continue on your fitness journey?

Ally: Watching myself get better every day that I show up, wanting to see what I can accomplish next, and doing things that I previously thought I couldn't do are huge motivators for me.

Question: What are your goals going forward with L & S Fitness?

Ally: They've changed a bunch since I joined!

I still really enjoy lifting weights, but now that I've repaired my relationship with fitness, I'm working on nutrition with the goal of losing weight in a sustainable way.

And I'm actually getting back into some running! My husband and I signed up for a runDisney weekend challenge next April so I will be working on that through the winter with my coach.

Question: What do you like most about the gym?

Ally: No matter how terrible things are, I always feel so much better when I walk into L&S Fitness.

Everyone there is amazing, both the coaches and other clients, and I legitimately have a good time while I'm there.

Some workouts may look super challenging and leave me sprawled on the floor afterward, but I can trust that everything I do has a purpose and was created with my own capabilities in mind.

Plus there's a gym puppy, and who doesn't love a gym puppy?!

Question: What advice would you give someone just starting out that may be afraid?

Ally: You don't know what you're capable of until you actually do it.

Don't try to overhaul your life all at once, just make little changes.

Find a supportive environment that makes you feel your best and doesn't let you be too hard on yourself.

Ally has made a ton of progress since joining us, both physically and mentally as she has worked hard to hit her goals and find a fun and sustainable way to keep healthy. All of the coaches here are very grateful that Ally chose us to trust with her health and fitness goals, and we look forward to helping her achieve even more!

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